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Patient Info

 What is Deep Vein Thrombosis (DVT) or Pulmonary Embolism (PE)?

Risk Factors 

Admission to hospital to undertake treatment greatly increases your risk of blood clots. Other risk factors include a recent diagnosis of cancer, hisotry of a chronic illness / blood disease or varicose veins. In addition, pregnancy, and certain contraceptive and hormone replacement tablets can increase your risk.

After you arrive at hospital, the risk of a blood clot forming in your legs or lungs will be assessed and your health care team will discuss treatment options with you.

Treatment may include:

What can YOU do to reduce your risk?

Water ensures the blood stays fluid for good blood flow. Reduced water intake can thicken the blood.

Frequent small amounts of activity, eg getting up, walking around and leg exercises help to bring blood back from the lower legs reducing the risk of blood sitting and clotting in the veins.

Compression stockings help to reduce the diameter of the veins in the legs, improving blood flow.

Make sure you take any medication that has been ordered for you.

 What to watch for

If you experience any of the following while you are in hospital, alert your nurse immediately:

If you experience any of the above while at home, please call 111 for an ambulance immediately.